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Baglar District

Baglar District Safranbolu, Karabük

It is located in Safranbolu district of Karabük. Safranbolu Houses standing tall with all their splendor are what made Safranbolu famous both in Turkey and in the world. The houses are grouped in two separate sections of Safranbolu: the bazaar section, which was formerly known as the "City" and called the winter section, and the section known as "Bağlar" and used as a summer residence. Safranbolu houses, which have been preserved collectively in the Çarşı and Bağlar districts, were built on the slopes of the valley side, which are mostly not suitable for agriculture, in a way that respects the environment and neighbors and does not block each other's views and sun. Local people lived in their house in the city in winter, migrated to their summer house in Bağlar with the warm weather in summer, but production and trade life continued in the "Bazaar". There are two or three storey vineyard houses with gardens, most of which are old, in the higher Vineyards section of the city.

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